Educational Programing Grants
The TEP Foundation, Inc. Awards Educational Grants to outside organizations

As a 501(c)(3) our organization grants funding to outside organizations seeking compensation for Educational Programing. The process to request funds are as follows:
Organization must fill out and return completed Grant Request Form. Forms may be emailed electronically to Hard copy forms may be mailed to The TEP Foundation, Inc. 770 Anderson Ave, 11K Cliffside Park, NJ 07010. The Board of Trustees will respond within 45-days from receiving. Incomplete or erroneous Grant Requests will be sent back with request to correct. Forms are available upon request at email above; Please review our Grant Guidelines before submitting a new form.
- ​​​​​​If rejected, The TEP Foundation, Inc. will send Letter of Rejection with explanation pertaining to reason for outcome (where applicable).
- ​​​​​​​​If approved, organization will be notified of tentative amount granted. Organization must then return a signed copy of Grant Agreement. Please see step #2 (below).
2) Organization will be provided a copy of Grant Agreement. A "Grant Agreement" outlines Terms & Conditions between requesting party and The TEP Foundation, Inc. A signed copy of Grant Agreement must be returned within a reasonable amount of time. Failure to adhere to any section(s) of Grant Agreement as presented can result in a reversal of Educational Grant approval.
3) Funding for approved Educational Grants will be sent via check within 60-days.