Annual Fundraising Campaigns
As a 501(c)(3) The TEP Foundation, Inc.® hosts annual fundraising campaigns. In supporting our Mission Statement the proceeds of which provide necessary funding for Scholarships, Awards, & Education to our valued Undergraduate and Alumni Brotherhood. Charitable contributions may be allocated to sponsorships or co-sponsorships of educational programing with Tau Epsilon Phi Fraternity. The TEP Foundation may also run “special” fundraising campaigns periodically targeted to specific initiatives or endeavors pursuant to I.R.C. 501(c)(3). More types of fundraising campaigns will be added in time. Fundraising Campaigns are subject to change and outcomes may vary. Announcements of upcoming fundraising campaigns are sent via email. Campaign results are posted in the latest edition of Tau Epsilon Phi’s publication “The Plume,” sent via email, posted on social media, and/or to this site.



TEP Foundation Endowment Campaign (June-August)
This fundraiser hosted by The TEP Foundation, Inc. is an homage to our original campaign established in the 1980’s. This campaign with various levels of giving are set to provide recognition based on amount of donation given.
Our Giving Level Clubs are as follows:
Presidents Club ($1,000 or More)
Life Sponsors Club ($500 or More)
Hearts & Links Club ($300 or More)
Helmet & Swords Club ($150 or More)
Plume Club ($50 or More)
Lily of the Mountain Club ($Other_____)
Copy of press release:
TEP Foundation I. “Doc” Schwartz Fundraiser (October)
This fundraiser hosted by The TEP Foundation, Inc. honors the Founders of Tau Epsilon Phi. Named after our first Founding Brother, Israel “Doc” Schwartz, this fundraiser was established to coincide with Tau Epsilon Phi National Founder’s Day. Funds raised are dedicated to the Foundation’s, I. “Doc” Schwartz Memorial Undergraduate of The Year Award. This biennial award is given to one (1) undergraduate who best exemplifies the spirit and philosophy as first envisioned by our Founders in 1910.
Copy of Press Release:
TEP Foundation Sidney S. Suntag Fundraiser (January)
This new fundraiser hosted by The TEP Foundation, Inc. raises funds in honor of beloved Executive Secretary Emeritus Sidney S. Suntag. Sidney was Executive Secretary of Tau Epsilon Phi for 33 years continuously only retiring his position in 1977. Sidney stayed involved with Tau Epsilon Phi national guiding the fraternity until his passing in 1990. The TEP Foundation established a dedicated scholarship his honor named the Sidney Suntag Scholarship. This graduate scholarship is awarded biennially to one undergraduate pursuing their continuing education. Chosen recipient will be given a chance to become a Graduate Advisor should their chosen institution have an active group.
Copy of Press Release: